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About Us
Founder, Owner
The Nature’s Adventure Center’s story begins many years ago in Citrus County, Fl. Our founder was a "starving artist" hoping to shoot advertisement photos for a tour company. She was presented an opportunity to shoot a few photos the next day and within 3 hours she was completely in love with manatees.

We're Serious about keeping Manatees Safe
Nature's Adventure Center cares deeply about the health and well-being of the manatees, and the rest of the wildlife. Nature takes care of us, and we take care of nature; is the way we see it. Not all providers make the extra efforts that are required to do things sustainably, and with nature in mind.

Our affilate company, SeaDaddys Dive Center is a proud PADI Green FIns Member
Check Out Our Experiences Blog
Sneak Peek at the Adventures Center
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